Xobee News

Is Your Website Violating California Compliance Laws? You Could Be Sued.

Every website owner in California should perk up their ears to the tune of accessibility and compliance laws, or risk facing serious legal repercussions. Gone are the days when web accessibility was a mere afterthought. Today, it’s a leading facet of web development that mirrors both user inclusivity and legal necessity.

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Are You Losing Customers? How Outdated CRM Tools Might Be The Cause

Are You Losing Customers? How Outdated CRM Tools Might Be The Cause

Every company has its unique fingerprint—a distinct set of needs, challenges, and goals. In the quest for digital efficiency, a one-size-fits-all approach often falls short. This is especially true when it comes to managing content, which is where a custom Customer Relationship Management system comes into play. Tailoring a CRM to fit your specific requirements not only streamlines operations but also empowers your brand to stand out in a crowded marketplace.

The Top 5 AI Scams Targeting Your Small Business

The Top 5 AI Scams Targeting Your Small Business

Artificial Intelligence — likely a term you’ve heard more than you needed to over the past few months. But for better or worse, AI is not only here to stay, it’s become a paradigm shift across all industries. Though AI offers advancements and efficiencies in numerous sectors, it also presents a fertile ground for scammers to exploit. So while the latest breakthroughs in this cutting-edge technology are no doubt incredible, it's a double-edged sword that cuts both ways.

Is the Solar Eclipse Exposing Your Data? How to Safeguard Your Business.

Is the Solar Eclipse Exposing Your Data? How to Safeguard Your Business.

As the world gears up for the 2024 solar eclipse, an event that will darken skies and draw millions of eyes upwards, a less visible but equally significant phenomenon looms on the horizon. Recent years have seen a significant spike in solar activity, with solar flares and storms disrupting technologies and communications, underscoring a stark reminder of our vulnerability. This upcoming eclipse serves not just as a natural wonder but as a critical juncture to reflect on and fortify against the cybersecurity risks posed by solar events and unpredictable weather conditions.

The 2024 Scams Impacting Your Small Business

The 2024 Scams Impacting Your Small Business

Small businesses are increasingly finding themselves at the crossroads of technological innovation and vulnerability. The surge in AI-powered scams represents a paradigm shift in cyber defense, with sophisticated threats such as deepfake technology, voice cloning, and generative language models leading the charge. These advancements have empowered cybercriminals with tools that can bypass traditional security measures, posing a direct threat to the operational integrity and financial stability of small businesses.

How to Spot AI-Powered Scams: The Next Generation of Scams

How to Spot AI-Powered Scams: The Next Generation of Scams

2024 has heralded a new era of cyber threats as the rise of AI technologies sophisticated enough to trick even the most tech-savvy individuals ushers in the next generation of scammers. For small businesses, this evolution marks not just a challenge but a clarion call for heightened vigilance. As scammers leverage AI to craft their frauds, businesses need to arm themselves with every tool in their arsenal to combat them.  In the battle against cybercrime, knowledge is not just power — it's protection.

Breaking: New Cyberattack Threat Could Target Small Businesses Nationwide

Breaking: New Cyberattack Threat Could Target Small Businesses Nationwide

In recent disclosures that have sent shockwaves through the global community, U.S. officials have unveiled a concerning trend: Chinese state-sponsored cyber actors have significantly bolstered their capabilities, engaging in covert operations that have infiltrated critical infrastructure across the United States.

Be Prepared: Ensuring Data Safety During AT&T’s Next Outage

Be Prepared: Ensuring Data Safety During AT&T’s Next Outage

In the early hours of a seemingly ordinary Thursday morning, AT&T customers across the United States experienced widespread service disruptions. The outages affected major cities across the country and left over 70,000 Americans without network service. The Federal Communications Commission, alongside the Department of Homeland Security and the FBI, launched an investigation into the incident, highlighting the severity and potential implications of the disruption.

The Invisible Threat Destroying Small Businesses

The Invisible Threat Destroying Small Businesses

Small businesses often operate under the illusion that their size makes them less appealing targets for cybercriminals. However, this misconception is not only false, it can lead to devastating consequences. The reality is that cybercriminals are increasingly shifting their focus to small businesses specifically due to their low investment into cybersecurity.

Shocking Scams Revealed: Don’t Become the Next Victim!

Shocking Scams Revealed: Don’t Become the Next Victim!

For small business owners, having your business online and connected offers a plethora of opportunities to grow and thrive. However, it also presents a minefield of scams that can undermine your hard work and put your business at risk. The key to navigating this landscape safely is not just in having the right technology, but also in understanding the tactics used by scammers and how to effectively counter them. This guide provides essential insights into recognizing, preventing, and responding to online scams, empowering you and your business to operate securely.

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